EU Critical Raw Materials Act - Swedish presidency calling for increased recycling and processing benchmarks

Submitted by Admin on Wed, 07/12/2023 - 21:53

In the EU Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) proposal, the EU Commission has proposed 2030 targets for the minerals required for its green transition to be mined, processed and recycled in Europe: 10% of annual raw materials mined, 40% processed, and 15% recycled in Europe.

Europe should also not be dependent on a single third country for more than 65% of any critical raw material.

Latest news on CRMA
• The Critical Raw Materials Act is currently processed in the Council and Parliament at an enormous pace.
• According to a leaked CRMA compromise text from 26 May 2023, the Swedish Council Presidency suggests increasing 
  the targets for processing and recycling in the EU.

50% processed, instead of 40%
20% recycled, instead of 15%

As public opposition has been a key obstacle to opening new mines across Europe, the leaked text suggests setting up a group within the European Critical Raw Materials Board (which would advise the Commission and member countries) to discuss 
measures to increase “public acceptance of the importance critical raw materials.”

• Also the issue of lack of financing instruments in the EU needs to be addressed.
• The Netherlands recently called on the EU to focus on sustainability in the CRMA.

Please see the link to the full report provided by the IPA including more info on developments in the political area linked to the 
legislative process of passing the Critical Raw Materials Act.
